10 reasons why Japanese women age slowly

Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Green mountains, vibrant culture, blue sea, delicious local cuisine and friendly people make Japan one of the best places to visit. If you have been on a trip to Japan or met many Japanese, one of the things that can be easily noticed is how thin and young, especially women, are. You can easily mistake a 50-year-old Japanese woman for a 30-year-old. Japan is also home to the highest percentage of people who have lived for more than 100 years in the world.

All this may make you wonder. How exactly do they do that? Good ,
Here are some reasons why Japanese women get thin and age
at a lower speed:

drink green tea

Japanese women love green tea. If you enter into any Japanese house,
The first thing you are likely to be offered is a hot cup of steam
Green tea. Green tea (matcha) powder is made from high quality tea
Leaves are dried and ground to a fine powder. powder
Then it is mixed with hot boiled water to make green tea.
Green tea is not only sweet but also proven to have a wide range
An array of health benefits. Rich in powerful antioxidants that delay
the aging process and aid in weight loss.

Consumption of fermented food

Japanese women often consume fermented foods such as kombucha and kefir,
Tempeh, miso and kimchi. Fermented foods are the ones that are gone
Through lacto fermentation, a process by which natural bacteria are
They feed on sugar and starch in food and produce lactic acid. fermentation
Helps preserve natural nutrients and creates beneficial enzymes,
Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and other probiotics. It also breaks
It converts food into a more digestible form which helps in weight loss.


Unlike people from most parts of the world, Japanese prefer it
Seafood to red meat which is known to cause various health problems such as
Obesity, inflammatory diseases and high cholesterol. Since Japan
Surrounded by a sea rich in seafood, things like tuna, salmon, shrimp and
Mackerel is very popular.

Fish is good for you because it is rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce body fat.

eat small portions

Portion control is a big part of Japanese cuisine. The Japanese eat
Smaller amounts of food than most other cultures. at meal times,
The Japanese usually spread their food in multiple dishes
Eat the whole table. Plates and rice bowls are smaller too
compared to other cultures. This makes the food look more as well
It makes eating take longer. The Japanese also use chopsticks instead
Of spoons that slow down the speed of eating. eating slowly
It helps them eat less, thus keeping their weight under control.

walking culture
The simplest form of exercise is walking. Walking is so easy so far
Very few people, especially in America, walk enough. Japanese cities
And transportation systems are organized in a way that makes people more
They encouraged walking than taking cars. In the cities, trains are
The primary means of transportation which means people have to walk to the train
station and back. Aside from walking, Japanese women love their bikes
Many even use it as their primary means of transportation. I own
A good walk every day or a bike ride every day boosts energy and improves
Cardiovascular health, helps people stay slim.

Most of the time, food is eaten at the appointed times
In Japan, it is very rare to see someone eating a burger or burrito
They walk in the street. Meals are sacred in Japan and treated
as such; No television, no work, no movement while eating. Although you
Allows you to eat whenever you want, taking into account eating on the go
Unpolite in Japan. This helps them avoid overeating which helps them
Stay skinny.

Healthy cooking methods

Japanese food involves a great deal of boiling, steaming, and rapid frying.
Roast in the pan, slow cooking and fermentation. raw, simmered, steamed, and
It is preferable to use grilling techniques because they help to avoid
Excessive use of oil that promotes weight gain. In addition to help
Avoid gaining weight, these cooking methods also preserve the taste and
Nutrients in the ingredients. Fried foods, such as tempura
Rarely but when presented, there are usually other accompaniments to balance
the meal.

Eat a balanced diet
The secret to healthy eating is to always make sure that every meal you eat
balanced. It should contain some protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and
Fiber helps in the digestive process. Traditionally, Japanese people
Eat plenty of rice, vegetables and fish. At the end of the meal, hmm
It is preferable to eat fresh fruit rather than sweets full of sugar such as ice cream
This will only make you fat. Ensures that you eat such a diet regularly
They only get the beneficial nutrients in the body, not those
It will lead to weight gain.

Practicing martial arts
In Japan, learning martial arts is more than just a sport; This is the way
of life and is associated with their spiritual practice. both men and

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