Reasons why you should flush the toilet after peeing, you may not know it

Our household toiletries are not trash cans designed to throw away personal care and hygiene products. There are some things you shouldn’t wash the toilet.
There are only three toilets that can be washed away: urine, feces, and toilet paper. In other words, human excrement, or three Ps: pee, poop, paper.

Sewer trips usually take one of two directions. Connect through a pipe to the community’s local sewer or septic tank near your home.

The sewer filters large objects and items that enter the sewer through a metal rood screen before arriving at a local treatment facility.

From there, everything goes to the settling tank, where solids such as sand and gravel picked up along the way settle to the bottom.

These early processing stations are also responsible for the removal of other “flushables”.

Did you know that 50% of the so-called non-dispersible substances in wastewater are paper towels in public toilets, then 25% of baby wipes, and mixtures such as condoms, cosmetic wipes, tampon applicators, etc.?

Finally, after passing through the primary settling tank, the wastewater continues the cleaning process through an aeration tank, a new settling tank, and possibly a tertiary treatment facility sterilized with chlorine or ultraviolet (UV).

After all, state-of-the-art sewage treatment systems provide reclaimed water that can be used for agriculture and human consumption.

But there is no perfect sewer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 27% of the world’s population (about 1.9 billion people) uses private sanitation facilities connected to sewers, from which wastewater is treated. gain.

We all made mistakes, and we can all change our daily habits. Even if it takes time. Think twice before washing the toilet.

Keep in mind that adopting new behaviors can reduce the amount of toxic and potentially harmful substances and chemicals that interact with water and marine life.

Pour these 20 items into the toilet, not only damaging the plumbing, but also polluting the local water resources.

Some of them were very obvious and some of them were glad we went, but never got into the sewers.

Instruct the children to follow good habits in the bathroom. Do not flush the following items into the toilet.

  1. Paper towel
    surprised? please do not. Yes, it looks and feels like toilet paper, but you shouldn’t go down to the toilet. Believe it or not, paper towels do not have the same properties as toilet paper and do not easily collapse in the sewer.
  2. Makeup wipes
    Wet wipes are one of the worst problems in modern hygiene systems. They are responsible for causing half of the global blockages that lead to the accumulation of fat, also known as Fatberg. Cosmetic wipes are insoluble in water and have a very negative effect on the sewage treatment process.
  3. Baby wipe
    It’s smooth, gentle, soft and doesn’t break like toilet paper. Also, just because a baby wipe is harmful to your baby does not mean that it does not harm the environment. The baby wipe cannot be disassembled, so do not wash it off.
  4. Condom
    Not only is it unpleasant to reach public waterways, it is also non-biodegradable. Latex causes serious problems in the sewer network, so keep it private and throw it in the trash.
  5. Tampons and pads
    Disposal of women’s products has always been a problem for women. However, it is also a plumbing problem as it can quickly block the pipe. Wrap the tampons and pads, put them in a small sanitary bag, and throw them in the trash.
  6. Dental floss
    Dental floss is usually made of Teflon or nylon. When rinsed, it mixes with wet wipes, paper towels, hair, etc., creating huge balls that clog pumps and sewers.
  7. Contact lenses
    Approximately 125 million people around the world use contact lenses every day. As a result, billions of contacts go to the bathroom every day. However, few know that dumping used lenses into drains contributes to the production of trillions of microplastics, one of the major environmental problems in the world today.
  8. Cotton swab
    They are small and flexible, block drains and do not break down quickly. Cotton swabs are the cause of many toilet clogging.
  9. Diapers
    Yes, some people are still flushing diapers in the bathroom. And those who do it will soon clog the toilet. To make matters worse, modern baby diapers are made of materials that expand when in contact with water.
  10. Tissue
    They are soft, delicate and absorbent. However, the tissue does not collapse like toilet paper. Do you have a cold? I sneeze and cough my tissue, but throw it in the trash.

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