Why Skin Fungus Infects You and How to Prevent It

When you hear the word fungus, you might think of mushrooms growing on damp tree trunks, mold on stale bread, or mold in the back of your refrigerator. These are probably the best known forms of fungi (fungi), but did you know that there are up to 1.5 million species of fungi, of which about 300 can cause disease in humans?

Are there germs among us?
Yeasts, molds, and fungi in the form of molds are ubiquitous in the air, soil, plants, trees, and water. Some types live on human skin. Fungi thrive in cool, moist areas such as basements and between walls.

Fungi grow by releasing tiny spores (think plant seeds) into the air. These spores can land on your skin or be inhaled. Certain areas that are damp, cool, and dark, such as construction and demolition sites, old barns, and dark caves, have higher concentrations of fungal spores in the air.

What is a fungal infection?
Because fungi can be inhaled or attached to the skin, fungal infections can occur in the lungs and skin. called. These superficial fungal infections can affect areas such as nails, skin and hair and may include athlete’s foot and vaginal yeast infections. It is harmless and can be treated with medicine.

It’s important to note that most people can inhale fungal spores without becoming infected. However, people with weakened immune systems or lung disease are more susceptible to developing fungal infections in the lungs, blood, or other organs such as the sinuses, liver, spleen, and brain. People with HIV/AIDS or cancer, people who are hospitalized, or who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system (such as steroids or chemotherapy) are examples of people who are suffering from cancer. Fungal infections of the blood, lungs, or other organs are called “systemic” infections and are generally more serious than superficial infections.

common fungal skin infections

Ringworm is a common group of fungal skin infections that affect areas such as the feet, groin, and scalp. Ringworm infections can be caused by touching an infected person or on surfaces where the fungus resides (shower floors, swimming pools). It is easily spread from person to person by touching surfaces (surroundings, locker rooms, etc.).Some fungal infections are caused by a type of yeast called Candida. It can affect areas such as the skin, mouth, throat and genitals. It occurs especially in warm, moist areas such as the armpits, under the chest, behind the knees, and in the groin.
Some common superficial fungal infections are:

Oral candidiasis: A yeast infection that causes white patches in the mouth and throat.
Vaginal yeast infection: An itchy vaginal infection that can cause a cottage cheese-like white discharge.

Nappy rash: A fungal infection that infects the skin on your baby’s buttocks and causes redness, usually due to warm, moist conditions in the diaper.

Athlete’s foot: A fungal infection on the skin of the feet, especially between the toes.

Acne: An infection that begins in the groin or upper thighs.

Nail Infection: A fungal infection of a fingernail or toenail. Nails become thick, yellow or white, and crack or break easily.
Superficial yeast and fungal infections are generally not a serious problem for healthy people, but they can occur easily in anyone and can be very annoying. To learn about fungal infections, visit the following websites under Next Steps.

Treatment of fungal infections

If you’re not sure whether your skin condition is caused by a fungal infection, talk to your health care provider.Your doctor or pharmacist can recommend an over-the-counter antifungal treatment, usually an ointment or cream. But know that you may need prescription medications (ointments, creams, or medicines taken by mouth) to treat persistent fungal or yeast infections. If you think you may be infected or have an infection, be sure to consult your doctor and/or pharmacist.

What You Can Do to Prevent Superficial Infection

Anyone can get a fungal infection, especially those with weakened immune systems. Wet, dirty, cool and airless parts of our bodies become fertile ground and can develop superficial fungal infections.This includes the toenails. may be It’s good to know what to do to prevent them.
Here are some things you can do to prevent fungal infections from recurring:

Maintain good overall hygiene, including oral hygiene (helps prevent candidiasis). keep skin clean and dry
Keep your feet clean, cool and dry. Wear clean socks and change them daily. Wear shoes that allow your feet to “breathe”
Do not walk barefoot in public places such as showers or gym changing rooms
Keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed, clean and short
Wash your hands after touching people or animals. fungal infections are contagious
If you think your pet has ringworm, have your veterinarian check the condition and treat it

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