10 Warning Signs of a Blood Clot You Can’t Ignore

Blood clots are collections of blood that have changed their state from liquid to gel-like. They are usually safe for your health because they protect your body from bleeding when you cut yourself. On the other hand, blood clots in the deep veins can be very deadly.

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a serious type of clot that can cause “traffic jams” in the circulation. If the blood clot breaks free from its original location and travels to your lungs or heart, it can cause major complications.

10: tachycardia

You may feel a flutter in your chest if you have a blood clot in your lung. Tachycardia can occur due to a lack of oxygen in your lungs in this scenario. As a result, your heart tries to make up for the deficiency by beating faster and faster.

9: shortness of breath

If you notice that deep breathing is becoming increasingly difficult, it could be a sign of a pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in your lungs.

8: Coughing for no reason

It could be PE if you have a dry cough, shortness of breath, high heart rate, and chest pain on a regular basis. Mucus and even blood may come out in the cough.

7: chest pain

When you take a deep breath, you may feel chest pain, which is one of the signs of a pulmonary embolism.

The pain in your chest is usually sharp and stabbing, making you think you’re having a heart attack. The most important distinction is that PE almost always gets worse with breathing. In any case, call 911 at once because the effects can be fatal.

6: Red or dark discoloration on the leg

A blood clot in your leg may cause red or dark patches on your skin that appear out of nowhere. You may feel soreness, warmth, and even aching in this area when you extend your toes up.

5: Pain in the arm or leg

Although several signs are usually required to diagnose DVT, pain may be the only indicator of this serious condition. The pain of a blood clot can be confused with a muscle spasm, but this type of pain is more common when you walk or extend your foot up.

4: swelling in one of the limbs

If you notice that one of your ankles suddenly swells up, it could be a sign of DVT. This is an emergency because a clot can break free at any time and reach one of your organs.

3: Red lines on your skin

Have you recently seen crimson streaks running along your veins? When you touch them, do you feel warm? This may not be a typical bruise, and you should get medical help right away.

2: vomiting

Vomiting may indicate a blood clot in your abdomen. Mesenteric ischemia is the medical term for this disease, which is characterized by severe stomach pain. You may also experience nausea and blood in your stool if your intestines don’t get an adequate blood supply.

1: Partial or total blindness in the eye

Optogenetic therapy restores vision in a blind retinitis pigmentosa patient | Medicine | Sci-News.com
Painless vision loss in one eye is often a sign of central retinal artery blockage. It is a major medical emergency, especially if you have other symptoms such as dizziness or trouble maintaining balance.

If you notice any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately. Remember that if you do not treat a blood clot properly and quickly, it can be fatal.

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