Do you have swelling in your neck, back, or behind your ears? here is what you need to know

Many people have lumps on their neck or behind their ears. These lumps can also be caused by skin conditions such as acne or lipomas. In that case, there is no health risk. However, in other cases, these lumps may indicate serious tumors in the neck or ears.

What are the most common causes of these lumps, and why check for certain symptoms if you notice these lumps?

1- I need to test for clumps of cancer cells
Some lumps in the neck can be caused by oropharyngeal cancer that has spread to lymph nodes in the neck, and these lumps are usually painless, according to Authority Love.

Nasopharyngeal cancer may include other symptoms such as hearing loss, nasal congestion, nosebleeds or nosebleeds, blurred vision, facial pain, numbness, and headache.

Even if you don’t have any of the above symptoms, with the exception of a bump on your neck, it’s important to see your doctor to make sure you don’t have a serious condition.

Lumps behind the ears may be related to certain types of cancerous tumors, such as melanoma, and may be benign tumors, and malignant and benign lumps may not cause pain. There is a possibility

It can also grow over time or stay the same size. No matter how big the lump is, you should see your doctor to find out its severity and whether it needs treatment.Or it should be removed.

2- Be sure to check your lymphatic system
When the lymphatic system malfunctions, the lymph nodes become swollen and swollen. This condition is known as swollen lymph nodes.

Remember that our lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels and hundreds of lymph nodes that filter bacteria and other toxins out of the body by trapping and destroying them.

A viral or bacterial infection often causes swelling and puffiness around the neck and ears (German)

Swollen lymph nodes can cause swelling in various parts of the body, including the neck, around the ears, and under the arms. Anyway, it’s a good idea to see a doctor if you notice enlarged or swollen lymph nodes.Glands;located.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin are common symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects white blood cells or lymphocytes.

There are usually other symptoms of the disease, such as night sweats, weight loss, fever, and a persistent cough.

In most cases, swollen lymph nodes can be the result of an infection, but it’s best not to ignore these symptoms and have your lymph nodes checked as soon as possible.

3- Make sure your physical device is not infected
Viral or bacterial infections often cause swelling and swelling around the neck and ears. The most common causes of bumps behind the ears are mononucleosis, sore throat, chickenpox, and measles.

Some diseases can cause inflammation of the mastoid process or inflammation of the mastoid part of the bone behind the ear. In fact, inflammation of the mastoid process can lead to infection of this bone and the formation of a lump behind the ear.

4- Make sure these blocks are caused by fat pockets
Bumps behind the neck and ears can be caused by pockets of oil that form in damaged or blocked sebaceous glands. The glands can be reduced, leading to the development of cysts.

Doctors usually diagnose these cysts using a visual inspection. In some cases, other tests may need to be done.

Therefore, the causes of lumps on the neck and behind the ears should not be ignored. Because only a doctor can determine what these lumps are and whether they need to be treated or removed.
Regardless of other symptoms, if you have a lump in your neck or behind your ear, it’s a good idea to see your doctor right away.

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