10 Oral Health and Mouth Problems

Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dangerous conditions and infections, including bad breath, oral cancer, temporomandibular disorders, and mouth sores. Some of these conditions are harmless and painless, while others cause excruciating pain and discomfort.
This article discusses some of the most common ailments that occur in the mouth.
Here’s everything you need to know:

1_ herpes labialis

Cold sores, commonly known as fever blisters, are not caused by a cold or fever, but they can actually be caused by them.
Cold sores usually occur when viruses are exchanged by sharing appliances, maintaining close contact, or kissing. Over-the-counter ointments and topical medications can relieve pain. If the pain persists, ask your dentist for an examination.

2_ bad breath

If you forget to brush your teeth, food particles can surround your teeth, promoting bacterial growth and causing bad breath. It can be persistent breathing through the mouth, tooth decay, or dry mouth.
Bad breath can also be viewed as a symptom of chronic diseases such as gum disease and diabetes. Brushing your teeth and tongue regularly, flossing, and using antiseptic mouthwash can help eliminate bad breath. Get clean drinking water and all foods that cause bad breath. If it persists, consult your dentist.

3_ thrush

Thrush caused by Candida yeast usually occurs among babies and the elderly. Candida yeast can be exacerbated by consuming certain medications such as antibiotics and inhaled corticosteroids.A weak immune system and diabetes can also exacerbate the condition.
Wiping off the thrust patch can lead to severe pain. It is strongly recommended to consult a dentist immediately.

4_ Lichen planus

Lichen planus can be described as a characteristic lacy rash. It is characterized by either white spots or shiny red bumps that usually appear on the inside of the tongue or on the cheeks. Medical research has yet to discover the exact cause, but studies have shown that mild cases of lichen planus do not require treatment or medication.
However, if it is causing pain or ulcers, it can be treated with topical or oral medications. Caution is required.

5_ stomatitis

The exact cause of small, painful blisters in the mouth is unknown, but they are commonly caused by infections, stress, hormonal imbalances, sensitivities, and deficiencies of certain vitamins.
Mouth ulcers, medically called aphthous ulcers, can appear on the gums, cheeks, and even tongue and tend to last about a week or two. It can be treated with dental lasers, prescription drugs, and pain relief creams.

6_ chipped teeth

Excessive clenching, clenching your teeth, eating too many hard candies, eating snacks on ice, or exposure to excessive heat or cold can cause your teeth to break, crack, or chip. Don’t worry too much about chipping.
However, large cracks can cause excessive pain and even lead to permanent tooth damage.

7_ periodontal disease

Periodontitis is a secondary stage of gum infection or periodontal disease. It causes increased inflammation, weakens the gums and creates pockets between the gums and teeth.
Advanced periodontal disease can seriously damage the bone that supports teeth and is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. If you have receding gums, it is highly recommended to see a dentist immediately.

8_ aspirin burn

Most people believe that aspirin can help cure a toothache, but the horrible truth is that exposing your cheeks to aspirin can cause painful burns. White sores on the gums.
You can prevent this by swallowing the aspirin instead of swirling it in your mouth.Only time can heal an aspirin burn. About two weeks to be exact.

9_geographic tongue

Often, when several patches of the tongue lose small ridges, it creates a chaotic appearance of raised and lowered patches, creating a map-like structure on the tongue.

10_ Temporomandibular disorders

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, more commonly known as TMJ, is a jaw-related condition that can cause severe pain in the jaw, neck, ear, or face. TMJ syndrome can be caused by excessive bruxism, clenching the mouth, and injury, among other causes.
However, symptoms such as severe pain, trouble swallowing, headache, and dizziness usually remain the same. Dentists usually recommend mouthguards, exposure to damp heat, rest, medication, and sometimes surgery.

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